When most people think of massage therapy, they think of it as this luxury we get on our anniversaries, birthdays, and special times of the year. In reality, massage therapy is most beneficial when used regularly. So, what is massage therapy?
Massage Therapy is the manipulation of the human body’s muscles and tissues to bring about either therapeutic or relaxing change to the body. It is the objective of the Massage Therapist to bring those results to the client.
So what type of massage do you need? Do you need one that relaxes you, or one that induces therapeutic change? Therapeutic massage focuses on the needs of the body to release any pain, discomfort, and also aids in the body’s healing process. Sometimes, after a therapeutic massage, you may feel a little sore afterwards. This is pretty normal and you can combat this by icing the area, staying hydrated, and taking it easy for the next day or so.
There are many types of techniques a massage therapist may use during a therapeutic massage. These include, but are not limited to, deep tissue, trigger point therapy and more. Rest assured, just because you need a therapeutic massage doesn’t mean you’re going to have a lot of deep pressure. There are other muscle releases you can perform in order to achieve the desired results that do not include deep pressure.
While therapeutic massage focuses on pain relief, Relaxing Massage focuses mainly on the body’s relation to the brain, allowing the body to relax and manage stress in a healthy way. Massage therapy is actually proven to lower stress, anxiety, and even signs of depression in clients who receive regular and consistent massage! Many clients just come in wanting a safe, quiet place to relax and escape so they book themselves an appointment!
Relaxing Massage still carries benefits such as pain relief, especially for minor aches and pains. Your massage therapist should check in on the pressure they are using, and if you do need lighter or deeper it’s important to communicate that with them so they can cater to your body’s needs.
Massage therapy is great, whether you’re looking at something for pain relief, relaxation, or a little of both, it’s a great idea to book an appointment and see the difference massage therapy can make in your life for yourself!